Did Man Create God?


The genetics of spirituality


  Until very recently the field of psychology paid little attention to the possibility that genes might play a role in traits such as spirituality and religious beliefs. Psychologists had simply assumed that religious attitudes and beliefs were largely shaped by the attitudes and beliefs of parents and peers. [p479]

    Genetic factors can make a significant contribution to cultural attitudes. This contribution is greater for religious attitudes than for economic, military or political attitudes. The significant genetic contribution to both personality traits and cultural attitudes indicates that most aspects of human behavior are strongly influenced by our genes. [p483]

   [However] when religious behavior is assessed on the basis of factors that relate to religious affiliation, environmental factors play the major role. [p484]

   Twin studies indicate that spirituality is an intrinsic biological trait strongly controlled by genes and unique environment and is not determined by cultural influences such as religious education. Spirituality comes from within. [p486]

    …Dopamine and serotonin are the “feel good” neurotransmitters. The association of two dopamine genes and a serotonin gene with the spirituality scores could explain the powerful effect that spirituality and religion have on the human condition. [p490]

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